We spent the majority of our day working on the guest room flooring. An early morning trip into Coeur d’Alene (CDA from now on because it’s easier to type) for more flooring and assorted supplies at Home Depot. You can’t go into town without a trip to Home Depot to buy and/or return stuff.
Yesterday we pulled up all the carpet, pad and tack strip and filled the holes in the floor of the guest room. This morning we rolled out contact adhesive around the perimeter of the room and closet. Then we just started slapping down the vinyl planks. The center of the room was done in no time, but cutting the planks for the ends, edges, and doorways took a few hours. It looks much better than the original gray indoor/outdoor that was there originally. We will paint and install new baseboards when we return in March.

Empty with original indoor/outdoor carpet

Contact adhesive applied

New flooring
Today I noticed that I would walk from room to room and forget why I had entered the room because I was distracted by the view. While standing at the kitchen window, I watched a flock of small birds hunting for treats in the bushes. While passing through the living room, I stopped to watch a hawk soaring through the pines. While putting away tools in the basement, I looked out the window to see a deer staring back at me. It appears every task will take me twice as long to accomplish here, but that’s OK because I will have time to stop and enjoy the view.
If you’re in the area, stop by. The guest room is the only room with flooring and a bed! And don’t forget your mittens…it’s chilly.