How do you get sick when you haven’t come in contact with anyone for days? This is what I asked the doctor at the urgent care after attempting to hack up a lung or two for a week. He blamed it on the move…new bugs in Idaho to acclimate to. Then he asked if I wanted antibiotics or to just tough it out another week. I opted for drugs. He also suggested I share the codeine cough syrup with Shawn so at least he might have a good night’s sleep.
Speaking of bugs, there are definitely new bugs in Idaho and a lot of them. Since the temperatures have warmed up this last week, they are out in force. The cats are enjoying the entertainment, but I wish they would kill a few more.
These beetles are everywhere and like to dive bomb you
Luckily this one was on the outside with all the wasps/yellow jackets
Not technically a bug, but this cropduster was flying by with all the other bugs
Yes, I was so bored while I was sick that I started taking pictures of bugs. While I was loafing around inside, Shawn was busy outside. The Frankenchicks were moved outside in the completed Chickshaw. The beasts have quadrupled in size in the last two weeks. He also built the chicken tractor.
Chickshaw with Frankenchicks
Chicken tractor
Shawn also finished clearing and preparing the garden space. He covered the walkways between the beds with cardboard (we have a lot from the move) and wood shavings from the trees he has been trimming. He direct sowed wheat, carrots, and radishes. The other seedlings are still growing indoors.
The weather has been beautiful. It seems like overnight we went from snow and hail to sunshine and 70’s. Tomorrow is forecast to be in the low 80’s, but then it is back to the 50’s for the weekend.
A nice spot to hang out and read in the afternoon
The valley is turning green
Hopefully, I will be done with this cold soon and can get back to more DIY projects. Those 27 doors are not going to paint themselves!
What I did while not getting anything done…
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