13-Week Quilt-As-You-Go Sampler Class
In this live, online class you will learn to piece 12 unique blocks and finish your quilt using the quilt-as-you-go method.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Quilt-As-You-Go?
Typically, all the blocks in a quilt top are joined together and sandwiched with batting before quilting. This can make quilting a challenge on a domestic sewing machine. With quilt-as-you-go, each block is sandwiched and quilted individually. The blocks are then joined with special sashing strips that cover the raw edges.
Is this class suitable for beginners?
Yes! This is a skill builiding class. The block patterns will be simpler to begin and get progressively more complex. You’ll learn techniques to improve the accuracy of your piecing. If you are comfortable with your sewing machine and sew a relativley straight line, you can make this quilt!
I'm an experienced quilter. Should I take this class?
Yes! The quilt-as-you-go technique is a great skill to add to your quilting toolbox. Sometimes you don’t want to send out your quilt for longarm quilting and just want to get it done. You may also learn a trick or two about piecing as we compare different methods for making half-square triangles, quarter-sqaure triangles, flying geese and other common patchwork units.
What if I can't attend one or more live sessions?
No worries! Each session will be recorded and you may watch it later at your convenience. I do encourage you to attend the live events so you can ask questions and interact with the other students.
How big is the quilt?
We will start with 12″ square blocks and then enlarge them to 15″ squares by adding tilted borders. The quilt is 3 x 4 blocks with 4″ borders so the full size is about 60″ x 78″.
Do I need to purchase specialty tools?
I will demonstrate a few specialty rulers that make piecing triangles and flying geese easier; however, I will also show you how to do the same thing without special tools. I recommend waiting to purchase additional tools until after you see the demo. What works for me may not work for you.
Do I need to use Hobb's Fusible Batting?
I like the Hobb’s Fusible Batting for quilt-as-you-go because it has a light, temporary fusible on both sides that holds your blocks together while quilting. The fusible washes out and leaves you with a soft quilt.
You can also use your favoirte batting and a temporary adhesive spray such as Sulky KK2000 or 505 Temporary Spray & Fix.
Please do not use a permanent fusible batting such as June Tailor. Your quilt will end up stiff as cardboard and you wont be happy. Contact me if you have questions about batting.