Yesterday afternoon it was sunny, so I suggested to Shawn that we walk to the mailbox. This is a nice 1.7-mile roundtrip. I put on a cotton/wool long sleeve base layer shirt with a fleece shirt over, thick athletic pant, knit gloves, and a beanie hat. By the time we got down the driveway, which is a feat in itself, the sun went behind a cloud and I was cold.
Today, Shawn suggested a walk. I looked out the window at the gray day and gave him the side eye, so he pulled out his phone to check the weather. It was 36 degrees and the peak of the heat for the day. I added some layers to the previous day’s outfit. Long sleeve base layer shirt again, sweatshirt, fleece jacket, athletic pants, sweatpants, white cotton gloves under my knit gloves, and the beanie hat. Instead of turning right at the end of our driveway to go to the mailbox, we turned left to go up the steep hill. Now I had too many layers! This matching the weather, the workout, and the layers is a delicate science that I need to perfect.
As seen on our walk:
We’ve had our first two snow events for the year. The first dropped about 5 inches of snow after Thanksgiving. It was enough snow to pull out the sled and find a mild downhill in our front yard. Shawn also managed to pile together a snowman on the deck. The first snow is so pretty because there’s no dirt mixed with it.
I found a few things to gather on the property. We have a black walnut tree, and this is our harvest from November. I was surprised by how many we got because I saw so few on the tree. After shelling them, we ended up with about two cups of nut meat. Since there were so few, we enjoyed them raw as a snack. Next year we will hopefully have more so we can do some baking with them. Very tasty!
Rosehips are purported to be high in vitamin C and we have a lot of wild rose bushes on the property. I read they are best picked after the first snow. Unfortunately, the deer ate all the conveniently located hips.
I’ve been enjoying my new sewing room. A couple of years ago, I made my grandson a set of mini advent stockings, so I had to make some for my new granddaughter too. Twenty-four little stockings stitched, trimmed, turned and in the mail in time for December 1st.
Well, it’s 4:30 PM and dark outside, so time to put on another layer…