The Chicks Have Arrived

The Chicks Have Arrived

Another full day of demolition as we continued tearing out wood flooring. The kitchen is done with the exception of the flooring under the island. The goal for tomorrow is to lift the island and put it on furniture dollies so we can spin it and remove the remaining...
Retirement is So Busy

Retirement is So Busy

The first Monday as retired folks and my damn alarm goes off at 5:51 AM (I always use the 9-minute snooze at least one time).  Yeah, I fixed that.  In the future the only time I’ll be setting an alarm is when I need to catch a flight. The first order of business...

We Are Officially Retired

Shawn and I both had our retirement parties at work on Thursday.  I think the emotions of it all surprised both of us.  It is hard to say goodbye to people you have spent 5 days-a-week with for years. My party was in the morning, and my team provided a great spread of...
Thoughts on Retiring

Thoughts on Retiring

Early this morning while lying awake in bed, I did some mental math and realized I would be retiring from my career in IT almost exactly 30 years from the day I started my first job out of college. It is a bittersweet experience. While I’m excited about the next...

Be Our Guest

We spent the majority of our day working on the guest room flooring. An early morning trip into Coeur d’Alene (CDA from now on because it’s easier to type) for more flooring and assorted supplies at Home Depot. You can’t go into town without a trip to Home Depot to...
Let the Home Improvement Projects Begin

Let the Home Improvement Projects Begin

There were so many other blog titles that went through my mind today while tearing out carpet, such as “Carpet is Disgusting”, “I Know Where All the Dead Skin Cells Go”, “What the Hell Were These People Doing on Their Carpet? Sacrificing Animals?” We have been tearing...
We Have Arrived in Idaho

We Have Arrived in Idaho

On December 30, 2017, we closed on our new house in Idaho. We sent 2 out of 3 PODs worth of our stuff to Idaho in the first week of January, and now we are spending a week in Idaho. We had great plans of arriving on Saturday afternoon and having a few hours to unpack...